Who likes to talk about poop besides little kids? Certainly, not many. It can be an embarrassing topic of conversation, even with your doctor. While CBD can relieve certain forms of constipation, we thought this article would be helpful to understand some of its causes. As always, we recommend getting a doctor’s help before using CBD if you don’t know the cause of your constipation.
The following article has been reprinted from the Vol 31, Spring 2022 of the Well Being Journal.
By Peter Kozlowski, MD
We all have a different schedule of when and how often we go to the bathroom. It can be considered normal to poop three times per day or three times per week—so there is variation in what is “normal.” I believe that healthy bowel habits include passing a log every day.
What is constipation?
Generally speaking, constipation is defined as irregular bowel movements lasting for an extended period of time, and marked by at least two of the following symptoms:
• Straining
• Lumpy or hard stools
• Sensation of incomplete evacuation
• Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockade
• Manual maneuvers to facilitate defecations
• Fewer than three bowel movements per week
• Loose stools are not present and there are insufficient criteria for IBS
Estimates suggest that about 16 out of 100 adults have constipation, and that number goes to 33 out of 100 in people over 60 years old. That is a lot of people!